Monday, October 06, 2008

The Name of the Jeep is...


Eowyn had 17 votes, or 36%. Inara & Kaylee each had 4 votes or 9% and "Other" had 22 votes for 47%. I thought I'd list the names that y'all put in for "Other", along with my guess as to who submitted some of the names...

Jap (I think your Jeep is male!) ~ From a lovely lady at my long hair forum.
Wait, wait wait. Kaylee or Inara, but no Zoe? ~ Zoe should be something a bit more "slinky", tough and brown. Definately brown. Was this you, Pookie?
Mean Green driving Machine
RJ(rick james) ~ Devan, I presume...
RJ(rick james) ~ Yup, it's Devan
RJ(rick james) ~ Oh, it can't be anyone other than Devan
RJ(rick james) ~ Devan!!! C'mon, man!
Captain Hargrove
Fat B*st*rd ~ Okay, this one is either Brandon or Devan. And no, most definately not! *I can't believe I'm actually related to these two...* ;-)
The Newtonator ~ I'm guessing one of the two mentioned above... Again.
Green Automobile
Poopslinger ~ Yeah, that'd be great with all the hobbits running around here - "Auntie LaLa, can we go for a ride in the Poopslinger?"

Well, that was... interesting. Yeah, that's as good a word to describe it as any. Thanks for all your votes & ideas.


Anonymous said...

I like the name 'Barry'.

Anonymous said...

I like the name 'Gary'.

Anonymous said...

Shut up, Gary!

Anonymous said...

No - YOU shut up, Barry!

Anonymous said...

QUIET - Both of you!

LadyGunn said...

Anon - Congrats on becoming my first performing monkey! I said to watch the language. Now dance monkey!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - you, me - in my shop, tomorrow morning. Bring your pain tolerance.