I was inspired by a fellow member on my long hair forum who has hair about my length, but purple. It's mouthwateringly gorgeous! Unfortunately, I could never pull that off & I have a distinct fear of bleach, so that'll never be, excluding wigs. :sits up suddenly - "Hmmm...": So I splurged on some Manic Panic vegetable-based semi-permanent hair dye. Semi-perm meaning it should stay 4-6 weeks. I had a friend help me put in some streaks & SIL Shelly rinsed it out for me. No bleach, just the colour over virgin hair.
I loved it while it lasted, all of about 2 days. Tops. I do have more but it's a lot of trouble for one day of colour. I'm toying with the idea of bleaching (!!!) two streaks - one at my left temple & one above & behind my right ear - so that I can have funky colour there. But, there's the whole bleach damage/maintenance thing. Not sure I'd like the long term effects. I've tried to find clip-in extensions, but the longest reasonably priced ones I can find are only 18 inches long. That's half the length of my hair. I guess I just need to start saving all my shed hairs & make a clip-in extension of my own that I can bleach & colour.
My ends.
My naturally lighter ends took & held the purple better. I can still find some slightly purple-hued strands here & there when I'm searching for split ends. If I use my imagination...
Bleach it? No way! Gotta stay natural! As much hair as you have, I'd hate for you to have to wait for the bleach to grow out (which *you* will never actually let it do since "growing out" to us non-LH ppl means cutting it) or have to keep bleaching your roots or whatever. I vote for au naturale.
Ha ha - "give me nine". Heck of a good looking guy in the second pic, by the way...
DeMo - I've been following the 2-week rule for making a major hair decision. For about the last 2 months. I'm agreeing with you, 90% of the time. Yeah, no cutting here. I haven't had a regular cut for over 3 years.
"Beetlejuice" - I haven't a clue as to who that is. Just some weird guy that wandered onto the place & sat down... Freaky. Although, I could use him as an experiment to find out what the teal hair colour would look like.
When are you going to post my picture in the long hair blog---I want to compete too!!
Dad. :sigh: How many times do I have to tell you - back hair doesn't count!
Lady Gunn, your story about thyroid cancer and how you handled it touched my heart so much, you are one tough lady, and then you suffer from fibro too which I also do plus more illness, and you WORK!! you amazing me, your story amazes me, I WISH I COULD HAVE THE STRENGTH AND COURAGE YOU HAVE, I took thyroid pills for 10 years but when I moved to Quebec they took me off of them because my blood test came out normal, my oldest daughter Tanya had to go to a blood specialist to find out she had underactive thyroid because every time her family doctor to a blood test for it , it would always come back so she had a special test done my a specialist, can't remember what kind of specialist it was, I just know I have half the hair I use to have since they took me off my thyroid meds, have gain over 80 lbs and and always so tired and have no energy, I don't understand why they could take my off my thyroid meds after I had taken them for 10 years, and it's been over 10 years that I have been off them and feel like crap every day, I am going to push my new doctor to make him send me to a specialist on thyroid conditions, because I KNOW THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY THYROID, and tired of my doctor not believing me, and I love so stores on your hair and your hair treatments, I don't have long hair anymore, since I have had no thyroid meds I have so little I keep it shoulder length, but I am going to try some of your conditioner ideas, at least I could maybe get my hair shiny again, I love your blog, and good luck with your baby , God bless you,
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