Monday, August 13, 2007


I have a new nickname that I absolutely love! But first, a little back story...

I have had several switchblades throughout the years, some bought on missions trips in Mexico & one purchased from my job partner at Cessna. I thought they were all lost until the parental units & I were cleaning some stuff out of the garage a month or so ago. I found one of them & was so excited that I carreid it with me everywhere for a while. I also had to show it to my friends at work, mostly for the reactions that I get. ;-P

Anyway, I was at work the other night & one of the supervisors was getting ready to go home. He stopped by the office & said "Hey, Switchblade Sally." Hehe. I think it's my favourite of all my nicknames. Maybe I can set it to some Wilson Pickett... "Switchblade Sally, think you better put your switchblade down..."


Anonymous said...

.. you know, now THAT is a GREAT nickname... I carry a Cold Steel myself, but a switchblade rocks too.... good for you!...


LadyGunn said...

I'd love a Cold Steel switchblade, but haven't the money for it, so I'll stick with my cheap little one. And I always have my Cold Steel push blade with me on my purse. Love it.