Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Judgement House 2008 - Hell

Our church just finished this year's production of Judgement House. We did the Web of Lies script this year & I was once again on the makeup team & played a tortured person in Hell.

First up, a video of our Hell scene...

The sobbing you hear - that's me. Which is why I'm still trying to get my voice back after 7 nights of constant sobbing & screaming. My hair is still recovering too. It would get fake blood matted in it, as well as sweat 'cause Hell is hot, ya' know. The first Saturday, we had some longer breaks between groups & left the heater running so it was 140 degrees in there for a while. We toned it down after that & kept it between 110 & 120. So the heat didn't help my hair either, but I started slathering it with shea butter before I went in & that would soak in & keep it from getting all crunchy.

And now for some pictures...

One of our Satans on his throne. He brought in a katana for the last night so we played around with that a bit. He also had these freaky contacts that made his eyes all white except for the pupils.

My little jail cell. It would get stinkin' hot in there. Some of the guys who were right in front of the heater said it was hotter in the jail cell than anywhere else. At least we had cushions to sit on.

Richard at the controls. He ran the tech for us again. I'll have a video up in another post where one of the Satans & Richard are playing with the voice changer.

After every group left, we'd gather up & pray for them as they went to the Heaven scene. Doing that had such an impact on the whole atmosphere. Tempers were calmed, as some characters have a tendency to get roughed up a little as they're being dragged out. Even though it was completely accidental, folks would sometimes get upset. There was also a lot of spiritual warfare going on. People were losing their voices, getting hurt, emotions going crazy for no apparent reason. The prayer helped so much, the change was unbelievable. I know it helped me, as my fibromyalgia should've acted up & I shouldn't have been able to walk without my cane. But I didn't even have any major pain until partway through the last night.

Our fearless leader. David is awesome! He had a lot of stuff going on - people calling to complain that Hell was too hot, too violent, too smelly, too loud, too whatever. C'mon folks, it's Hell. It ain't gonna be a picnic. In the real Hell, the demons aren't going to be giving everyone a tufted cushion to sit on, checking to make sure the temperature is to your liking or giving you a massage.

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