Sunday, January 22, 2006

Goofy Stuff

Several years ago Mom & I were joking around and things got a little giddy as we came up with a mostly-joking list of the requirements for my future spouse. We both agreed that he must be a Christian. That is the only serious one on the list. I said he had to be a horseman and drive only Dodge vehicles. Mom said he had to be a carpenter, so he could build her stuff (including her dream house) and he had to have curly hair because she wants curly-haired grandbabies. We ended up with the following... thingy:

A Curly-haired
Carpenter who Cruises in a

Oddly enough, Mom isn't the strangest of the two parental units. But hopefully, y'all can see where I get some it from.


Anonymous said...

What is this comment about your parental units? I know your father, GREAT guy--loving, considerate,kind, highly intelligent, down-to-earth type of fellow

LadyGunn said...

Yes, you are all of that. You are just strange as well. ;)