I got a voicemail message several weeks ago from a guy who said he had just moved to the area and was going to my church. He asked if there was a singles group in church and wanted me to call him back. He also made a comment about my personal email address, which has "mopar" in it, asking if I drove mopars or something.
Dad kept fussing at me to call the guy because it would be rude not to and what if he doesn't come back to church because I was rude, etc. I accidentally deleted it before writing down his number (new voicemail system, got ahead of myself with the wrong number for save) and therefore couldn't call him back.
Well, this past Sunday I was having lunch with friends from church and mentioned that someone named Marty had left a message. Laura immediately interjected "NO! Don't call him back!"
She said this fella got the church directory and started calling all of the ladies who were listed by themselves. He called her, the church secretary and several others. When he called Laura, her mom answered and then called one of the pastors to let him know there was some guy calling around.
Mom said I should get an email address that has something to do with my love for weaponry to scare off all the creeps. Not a bad idea - threatening people in the church directory with my email address...
Update - Mom said I should clarify that I'm not wanting to threaten the people in church with an email address, just any Creepy McCreepsters who might think they'd like to try something.
I'm not worried - I have a vicious attack kitty guarding the house...
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