Friday, July 06, 2007

Eeeevil Children of the Night...

We have a client (P) who is downright mean & e-e-evil. I had to hold another client back from going after her after P mocked her for being given up by her biological mother 2 days after she was born. Several days ago, she & another girl ripped up the little half-pint client's favourite stuffed animal. She just doesn't care about anyone else at all.

Part of the problem is the parents. Girl goes on home passes, the parents don't keep an eye on her or enforce any rules & then freak out when she doesn't show up in time for her curfew. The last two home passes she's been on, she's stayed out all night & come back high on "skittles", or over-the-counter drugs, probably decongestants. And yet, someone - workers or the therapist, somebody - keeps approving for this girl to go on home passes. Are they missing their brains or what? Way to improve this chick's life & future, people...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And let me guess, someone who "deserves" to get some sort of home pass or something isn't getting them. ::sigh::